Making Remotes Sizzle
June 29, 2010
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. John Lund knows how to "Make Remotes Sizzle."
Have you noticed how sizzling fajitas catch the attention of everyone in a restaurant? This little bit of marketing magic works for radio remotes, too. Adding the sizzle to your live broadcasts not only builds more traffic for the client, it generates interest for your station. These tips will add impact to your remotes:
Brand your station remotes, like the "K95 Traveling Road Show," "The Kix World Tour 2007," "K103 Incredible Tour Bus," etc. Use that name in all marketing on the air and on the remote vehicle or van.
Have a visible and audible vehicle with light bars, speakers and great placement to grab attention. Be sure those who stop at the remote can easily spot your people. "Hide the jock" is not a game show you want to win!
Have lots of signage. Banners and balloons show passersby that you are on location and involved in the community.
Create the excitement. Provide a reason to visit the remote site and entertain the kids while parents shop. Simply saying, "come on down and see us" won't get results. Making your remote a true show-biz event ensures success for both the station and client ... and you can charge more money!
Reward your audience for stopping by. Always have free items to give away like logo key chains, calendars and CDs with the station logo sticker applied.
E-mail P1s in your database to alert them to your broadcast. Use Facebook and Twitter to invite your partisans for a special drawing. Give them a reason to come.
Offer different "splash events" at remotes to build excitement: Jell-O jumps, prize wheels, "Idol" talent searches or karaoke events, baby contests, hidden prize contests, etc. To bring people in, make the remote fun to attend.
Most of all, your remote talent should be a station evangelist, pressing the flesh with everyone there and calling those he or she meets by name. Invite listening to the next show and make a list of names to mention on-air.
The Lund Remote Stylebook has proven rules to make "on-location" sales remotes work better for the client and the station ... plus ways to sell the remote, stage the cutaway so it doesn't sound like clutter, and make it a fun, show-biz event. Those interested in this comprehensive Remote Stylebook can contact John@Lundradio.com.