Week of November 19, 2007
November 19, 2007
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. -
Friday 11/23, 2007
Do you remember the early images of American Idol winners? My! How they have changed! "Stoking the star making machinery" is necessary for your air staff to cut through today. You can't look bad or appear like anything less in order to be appealing no matter how good they sound. Perhaps it's time to take a good look at your air staff pix on line. Do they look as good as the artists they play? I'm not suggesting that they need an expensive photo shoot in order to make an impression, but if they don't look good, it will reflect on your station. "He/she has a great face for radio" matters today. Make them look good or at least professional. Your advertisers go to your web site too! Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday 11/22, 2007
Image is everything! On air and on line, people form opinions of you when they see you. Making a first impression on line says a lot about your organization. If your morning show looks bad on line, it may not matter how they sound. Filling your web address with naked women, offensive language, and pictures of your staff that compare to the wanted pictures in the post office will brand your radio station like never before. Be careful! It may cost you. More tomorrow...
Wednesday 11/21, 2007
Closing the office early today? Make sure ONE sales person is covering the phones until 5pm. Last minute copy changes, orders, and yes, even cancellations can come in late. Don't miss the chance for last minute orders. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend. We'll be back Monday.
Tuesday 11/20, 2007
The upcoming holidays will be hard on the Chief Engineer and his/her staff. Weather problems, power outage issues, anything that can happen usually will over the holidays. Review any maintenance issues, construction projects, yearend Cap-Ex issues, personnel coverage thru the year end.
Monday 11/19, 2007
How dependent have you become on your broadband internet connection within the stations in the last 5 years? For many, it's a critical part of any radio station. Is there a backup if it goes down? Perhaps a dial-up back up should be considered, or another broadband connection from a different provider is an option.