Week of May 21, 2007
May 21, 2007
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Friday 05/25, 2007
Today is the day you review expenses for the month to date. Are we on track. Are the costs in line with (or less than) budget? May expenses are usually your biggest of the year. (spring marketing money is spent here if you are one of the lucky ones). Don't lose track of it. Pacing ahead of budget. Controlling expenses really turbo's the bottom line. Stay on it!
Thursday 05/24, 2007
Set up 3 sales calls for next week. FOR YOU! Time to get out and ride with the sales people. See three clients you have never seen. (you should know your top 10 accounts personally.) Don't ride with you big sellers. Go with the mid pack people. They have the best chance of getting better. And you can evaluate them to see it through.
Wednesday 05/23, 2007
It's the middle of the week. In the end of the month, In the middle of the Spring book. A good day to walk around a say "hi" to:
1. The morning show. (it will make their day. And your day part)
2. The traffic department. (they have the power -no really!)
3. The engineers. (they will wonder if we're off the air. Assure them we're not. Tell them they're appreciated)
4. the street team. (your marketing future. Don't approach if they wrecked the van this week)These are departments that rarely get any acknowledgement or face time from the "Big Office". (that's you). Get out there. Show them the love. Say "hello!" A little attention goes a long way.
Tuesday 05/22, 2007
The first phase of the Spring Book will start rolling soon. Is your story ready? The competition will be spinning their BIG Extraps, and your LITTLE one. Beat them to the story. Have a story ready to update the sales department. Stay calm if the first one is bad. Arbitron always seems to even things out in the latter months.
Monday 05/21, 2007
How's the month going? Pacing ok? No? Well, there is less than 1 week to make your May number. How much inventory is left in the month? You should know. Then you'll be able to tell the GSM what is needed for the next few selling days. Price it if you have to. Otherwise, less will be less.