Blippar: Augmented Reality Marketing
October 18, 2011
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A couple of years ago we talked about the augmented reality phenomenon in mobile. Augmented reality is technology that allows a mobile user to use their device’s camera in conjunction with a mobile app to add content that isn’t really there. The best real word example is the first down line that you see on TV broadcasts of football games. The first down marker isn’t really on the field; it’s superimposed on the broadcast.
Layer was one of the early leaders in the mobile augmented reality space. Recently, Blippar has been doing some interesting things with augmented reality to market products and services. Users who download the free Blippar app can get additional content for Blippar-enabled products. This includes the new album from country artist Hunter Hayes. By pointing the device’s camera at the Hayes CD while using Blippar, users can unlock additional content, including videos, photos and music clips.