Paying Though Facebook
April 9, 2012
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How much is content worth to you? If you saw that your friend had read an article about Snooki's pregnancy on Facebook or saw a post about the new features the next iPhone is going to have on Twitter, would you be willing to pay a small fee to access the story? Paycento, a Belgium startup, is banking on the idea that people will be willing to pay for content through social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The users' credit card information will be stored through their profiles on these sites, so paying for a song download or access to an article will only be a click away. In an era with so many news sources and media outlets, choosing one or two to pay annual subscriptions to seems like too much of a blind commitment to avid social networkers. Why not be able to pay a small fee for access to content you definitely want on-demand? Paycento has it set up so companies and publishers can set their price point at any amount, even as little as 5 or 10 cents to read an article. You can check out more on Paycento on Reuters.