More Facebook Dominance
January 28, 2010
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Yesterday we discussed the phenomenal growth of Hulu's video-viewing statistics. Users keep coming back, leading to exponential growth in usage. As impressive as their numbers are, Facebook does Hulu one better. Not only is Facebook continuing to grow in terms of new uers, but the average user stats blow away the competition.
Total domination is winning both the reach and frequency battles. According to Google AdCounter stats, the average Facebook user views almost twice as many pages in a month as the #2 service, Hi5. And Facebook users view more than 2 1/2 times as many pages in a month as its long-term-rival, MySpace. Here are the most recent average pageview numbers <http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-monthly-page-views-per-visitor-for-social-network-sites-2010-1> :
Site Pageviews (in millions) Facebook 661.8 Hi5 351.2 MySpace 261.8 Bebo 249.3 Friendster 222 -