Video Game Sales Continue To Trend Down
July 29, 2010
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The latest report from NPD Group <http://www.dmwmedia.com/news/2010/07/16/report-us-game-sales-down-6-june-11-billion> shows US video game sales continuing to drop. June sales dropped by 6% compared to June 2009, May figures <http://www.dmwmedia.com/news/2010/07/02/report-us-game-sales-down-5-may-8235-million> showed a 5% drop from the previous May, and the April drop was even worse: 26%. For June, total video games sales amounted to $1.1 billion.
Even though each month has been trending down, the profile has changed. The May drop came from hardware sales; software actually increased by 40% compared to a year ago. But in June, software was the culprit, dropping 15%, while hardware sales increased. The interesting thing about hardware sales is that unit sales are trending up, but price cuts for gaming units has left the average unit prices well below last year's levels.