Online TV Viewing Doubles
September 16, 2010
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While conflicting data about subscription TV services has surfaced over the last few weeks, no one is challenging the claims that online TV viewing is increasing rapidly. A survey by Altman Vilandrie & Company and Peanut Labs <http://www.altvil.com> says that the number of people watching broadcast TV programming online has doubled in the last year.
It should come as no surprise that age has a lot to do with how much of your TV viewing is done online. 16% of 18-34 year olds say they watch full episodes online on a daily basis. Only 6% of those over 35 do so. The same trend holds for mobile viewing: 13% of 18-34's watch on a daily basis, up from 5% a year ago. Finally, the young demo is the one most likely to cancel other TV services to go strictly online. 3% of the 18-34's surveyed said they had already done so; 25% have "seriously considered" it.