iPhone's Winning App-peal
November 8, 2010
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We've written extensively about the growth of the Android OS for smartphones. Android now outsells the iPhone and, as we've recently pointed out, the Android market is starting to gain a lot of traction as well. Recently, the Android Market increased the number of countries where it will sell paid apps. However, when it comes to the total number of apps available, iPhone <http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-apples-iphone-platform-still-ahead-but-android-is-growing-faster-now-2010-10?utm_source=Triggermail&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Silicon+Alley+Insider+Chart+Of+The+Day&utm_campaign=SAI_COTD_102510#ixzz13Pb4A6ht> still dwarfs them all.
And even though Android shows a bigger percentage increase in the number of apps available now versus 6 months ago, Apple's App Store has actually increased its lead in the number of available apps. Here's the rate of growth for available apps among the Big 3 platforms:
Platform March Apps Sept Apps Increase % Increase iPhone 170,000 285,000 115,000 67% Android 30,000 100,000 70,000 233% Blackberry 5,000 10,000 5,000 100% -