Foursquare And 4%
November 18, 2010
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The latest from the Pew Research Internet & American Life Project <http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Location-based-services.aspx> indicates that only 4% of Americans have used location-based services such as Foursquare or Gowalla as of September. Interestingly, in May the figure was 5%. A year ago it was 0.
The usage figures vary widely by demographic. And while the percentage is low, that's still a lot of people checking in. Among the key findings about usage of location-based services:
- 1% of all users use them daily
- 7% of those who use mobile devices to go online are using them
- 8% of online adults between the ages of 18-29
- 10% of Hispanic, compared to 3% of online whites and 5% of online blacks
- 6% of online men vs. 3% of online women