Your Ego Wants You To Be Its Bitch
March 15, 2022
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Have you ever stopped to think about, who, or what, is making decisions in your life?
If someone asked you, your response would likely be, “I am!"
But, who is this "I" you are referring to?
When you start asking yourself these questions, and making adjustments based on the answers, a hugely transformative shift starts to take place.
So I ask," is your ego or your higher self the guiding force in your life?"
The first thing to do, is to break down what I mean by each of those terms.
Our ego is the inner voice that is our "sense" of self. It is not really who we are, but, it likes to try to convince us that it is. The ego likes to be in charge, and to put it in simple terms, the ego wants us to be its bitch.
Yup, I said it!
The ego is like an abusive partner, it instills fear in us because it wants to keep us small. When we stay small, the ego gets to feel big. The ego loves being in control and it abso-lutely despises change.
Our higher self, is formless and timeless. It stays with us throughout our lives. It is un-wavering in its unconditional love. Its job is to help us embrace and grow into the person we were meant to be.
Although we may grow and change, our higher self is constant. We always have access to its wisdom, although most of us are unaware of this, because its voice has been drowned out by that of the outside world and our ego.
So how can you tell which voice you've been listening to, and which voice you want to seek guidance from in the future?
There are three questions you can ask yourself in order to gauge who you are letting be the boss of you.
1) Does this feed my spirit or drain my energy?
A pretty simple question, but one we rarely stop and reflect upon before making a deci-sion or taking an action.
Does your heart feel happy when you think about what you are about to do? If the an-swer is "yes," that's your higher self speaking.
If you are filled with a feeling of dread, discomfort or inauthenticity, well, that would be your ego telling you what you should do.
2) Does the inner voice sound like an adult or a child?
If that voice in your head is wise, compassionate and patient, you can bet that is your higher self speaking.
If it is impetuous, greedy, and wants instant gratification at any cost. Well hello, ego.
3) Does the action I am about to take feel easy, or does it feel natural?
Sometimes we do something because it's easy in the short-term even though it causes great discomfort in the long term. We stay in relationships, avoid conversations, and let our boundaries be ignored. When we do this we can be sure that our ego is looking for instant gratification. Our ego loves short term fixes, and ignores long term conse-quences.
Conversely, because our higher self is mature, it knows that sometimes facing discom-fort and doing something difficult is necessary for long term growth. The higher self does not shy away from this. It knows that these situations and feelings are temporary and ultimately a more than fair trade off for living authentically.
Being mindful of who and what we let dictate our actions, reactions and feelings is a huge step in taking back our personal power and becoming the person we were des-tined to be.